Editorial Process BMWSite

Read the editorial process below.

BMWSite.com is a BMW blog and we try to deliver all the information regarding the BMW brand, from news to troubleshooting guides, from cars to motorcycles, and so on. To be a reference site, we do our best to ensure that the content we present on the site is of the best quality; therefore, you can see below the specifications of the content created by our editors.

At BMWSite.com:

  • We don’t accept AI content
  • We only provide valuable content that is written by humans
  • All information is double-checked before publishing the articles
  • We follow Google’s Content Guidelines

Editorial Process

For the convenience of our readers, BMWSite.com is a website where we offer our fans and guests only verified and original materials written by our human employees only. Being an automotive magazine specialized in BMW cars, bikes, and motorcycles, our main goal is to provide valuable content for readers by having prospective articles that include not only informative but also critical and useful information to the owners of BMW vehicles.

We remain steadfast in our policy of only accepting original human-generated content of high quality, which is why we have a strict editorial policy that involves seasoned editors who interact with the writers at different levels.

The Editorial Team

The editorial team of BMWSite consists of experienced enthusiasts who have a passion for BMW cars and mechanics and technicians who have been working at the automaker and writing about BMW models and technology for years.

Having longtime knowledge of BMW vehicles from the past and present, our editors are able to lead our writers to create content that presents real value to the BMW brand’s owners, potential buyers, and enthusiasts – no matter what their experience level with BMW vehicles is.

Because the editors are always conscientious about maintaining the site to be as specific to BMW vehicles as possible, nothing not related to BMW vehicles is allowed to get into the site. All the submitted drafts which are considered to be not closely related to the brand and the website’s mission of promoting BMW, are filtered out during the initial stages of the editorial process.

Working with Writers

The team has cultivated an extensive network of carefully recruited writers who possess a genuine sense of passion and academic prowess concerning BMW exclusively. To achieve this, we must work with writers interested in the brand and its vehicles and consistently find/research content that complements the BMW-focused approach of BMWSite.com.

Any piece of writing in form of a writer submission that our editorial team recognizes at the initial steps to have been produced by an artificial intelligence or an automated content generation tool is trashed.

Note that this site will never feature anything written, created, or published by an AI !!!

Our readers are perfectly correct – and we are perfectly in agreement – in expecting to find an editorial policy that is firmly based on human ideas and brains.

In this paper, the processes of drafting and editing are described.

The first stage of drafting usually involves the editors and the writers to discuss on the idea and the direction to be taken for a given article, depending on the current time and interest. Once a certain angle has been settled in ahead given draft, our writers go and look for the most recent information and data so that the piece can gain authority.

When the first article draft has been provided to us, our editors have to wade in to refine the work. There is a focus put on the credibility and the accuracy of the information or the statement provided; mention sources when necessary. Our editors also look at the coherence of the paper where they check cohesion to ensure that there is a smooth transition from one point to another as readers will understand it.

It is possible to have several cycles of editing where the editor revises the piece multiple times and the writer revises the piece multiple times until they feel that the piece is ready for the final look. To ensure that articles that are posted on BMWSite.com have not been overlooked, every article goes through the final check where our Editor-in-Chief reviews the article. This last step ensures that every piece we put out complies with the editorial requirements set by BMWSite.

Committed to Human-Generated Content

Following the procedure outlined above, accompanied by consultation with true BMW lovers at each phase, the team of BMWSite.com feels free to guarantee the overall worth of all the information posted on the site to readers. But as stated, with editorial integrity being the reason behind the use of human-generated content, you are assured that each article produced is based on real knowledge and understanding of BMW.

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